Sunday, August 21, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Ron Jonzo Exhibit NOW ON!

Good friend Ron Jonzo exhibits... looks like more free booze ;)
God I love London...
The show feat. 10 artists from around the world who are part of the
designer collective "The Chipfactory".
Their latest work is a sexy mix of Fashion/ Accessories/ Jewellery
Design, Product Design, Illustration, Graffiti and Streetart.
(Show runs for two weeks only)
The Chipfactory Exhibition
Friday 19th August, Start: 18:00
62-64/ 63-65 Broadwick Street
(of Carnaby Street, near Kingly Court)
Soho, London
More info here:
Future Boy Exhibit@Dazed Gallery

Sorry, slacked a bit lately updating! Which is a shame cuz I don't know how long the exhibit of my mate Han Lee will continue, but it's fantastic and I had a boozed fuelled private view! His work is amazing, especially his high detail drawings.... expect him to blow up really really soon :D
More info here: