Super Super Monday!
Back in London again after OFFF and straight to the Serpentine Gallery for the private view of Paul Chans 7 Lights Expo. Very dissapointed, NO FREE BOOZE! But very nice snacks for free tho ( had to pass those as I had a crappy sandwich beforehand and felt a bit sick, DAMN!). Anyway, bought the latest issue of SuperSuperMag in the Gallery shop, had a lot of drinks at Mother Bar and I just feel that I have to spread the word now about this insanity of a magazine! New Nu Rave bollocks whateva, it's Smash Hits on speed, hurts your eyes and has a tranny to give you style advice. Thumbs up from my side! I especially like the price: 2.99£! Eat that I-D!!!!
( P.S: Oh, and the apple juice dj dude is on the cover, damn I have just such a 6th sense about the stars of tommorrow! look and scroll down a bit! )
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